Business Relations Manager Salary

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Determining Salary Factor

The average annual salary for business relationship managers is $58,263. However, professionals in this position may earn a higher salary based on factors such as their geographical location, employment setting, industry, educational level, and work experience.

What does a relation manager do?

The business relations manager works closely with business managers to attract new clients to the company. They must possess a strong understanding of the company's products and services, as well as knowledge of competitors in the market.

The job description for a business relations manager includes responsibilities such as cultivating relationships with clients, identifying new business opportunities, and creating strategies for client acquisition. Additionally, they may be involved in market research and analysis to stay informed about industry trends and competitors' activities.

Salary Growth

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) forecasts a 13% growth in employment opportunities for management positions, including public relations and fundraising managers, until the year 2030.

On average, business relationship managers earn an annual salary of $58,263.

How much do business relationship managers make a year?

The job outlook for related management roles, such as public relations and fundraising managers, is projected to increase by 13% through 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

On average, business relationship managers earn a competitive salary.

So, what exactly does a business relationship manager do? Read on to discover the necessary skills and responsibilities of this role.

How much does a Relationship Manager III (business banking) make?

The average salary of a Business Relationship Manager is $92,345, according to data from (as of May 25, 2023).

In comparison, the average salary of a Relationship Manager III (Business Banking) is higher than that of a Business Relationship Manager.

What is a relationship manager?

Relationship managers serve as the main point of contact for specific entities within or outside of a company.

Their role involves coordinating and facilitating communication between various parties.

Based on research conducted by PayScale, relationship managers receive a salary for their duties.

How do I become an employee relations manager?

A higher level of education can enhance the earning potential and eligibility for promotions of individuals in this role.

Having experience overseeing junior Employee Relations Managers can increase the chance of earning a higher salary for those in the role of an Employee Relations Manager.

Entry-level vs Experienced

Business relationship managers have an average annual salary of $58,263. The salary for professionals in this role may vary depending on factors such as location, industry, level of education, and years of experience.

How much does a business manager entry level make?

According to data as of Jun 23, 2023, the average annual salary for an entry-level Business Manager in the United States is $95,777. This translates to an hourly wage of approximately $46.05. In terms of weekly earnings, the average is $1,841, while on a monthly basis, it totals around $7,981. These figures are based on an average salary of $47,599 per year for a Business Manager at the entry level.


Acquiring a certification in business relations manager has the potential to enhance your career by validating your skills and showcasing your dedication to the profession. This certification can give you a competitive edge in the industry, setting you apart from others. Furthermore, obtaining this certification can positively impact your work performance and potentially lead to higher earnings.