Ict Manager Job Description

By LeadLake Team   /   Job Category   /   2025

Job Descriptions

Responsible for managing the department's information technology (IT) infrastructure, including but not limited to systems and applications, networks, and data. The ict manager ensures that the department's technology resources are optimized and managed effectively to meet the needs of the organization. The ict manager also identifies and addresses IT needs and requirements, and assists in the development and implementation of IT policies. The ict manager may also participate in the development and management of computer-based systems.

Responsible for ensuring that all telecommunications and information technology needs of the organization are met. This may include overseeing the installation and maintenance of telecommunications and information technology equipment, coordinating the use of telecommunications and information technology resources, and developing and implementing policies and procedures related to telecommunications and information technology. ict manager is also responsible for providing support to employees in using telecommunications and information technology resources.

Responsible for managing and deploying iCT solutions within an organization. The ict manager oversees all aspects of the iCT infrastructure, from data center design to software development. In addition, the ict manager is responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the iCT solution are compliant with company policy and regulations.

Responsible for the overall management and development of information technology (IT) resources and solutions within an organization or enterprise. This may include developing and implementing strategy for the acquisition, use, and management of IT resources, as well as maintaining systems and data. ict manager may also assist in the development and deployment of new IT solutions.

Responsible for the overall management and operation of an iCT system, including but not limited to, the installation, configuration, operation, maintenance, and upgrade of the system. This position reports to the ict manager or their designated representative.

Skills, Knowledges and Proficiencies

  • Good team leading skill.
  • Good project management skill.
  • Good problem solving skill.
  • Good analytical and numerical skill.
  • Good ICT technical knowledge and skill.
  • Good business acumen.
  • Good presentation skill.
  • Good inter-personal skill.
  • Good time management skill.

Duties and Responsibilities

The duty is to ensure that the ict system is functioning correctly and that all ict tasks are completed in an effective and efficient manner. The ict manager is responsible for ensuring that all ict systems are properly configured and regularly maintained. Furthermore, the ict manager is responsible for ensuring that all ict systems are operated in accordance with relevant regulations and policies.

The duty is to make sure that the ict system is functioning properly, and that necessary updates and changes to the ict system are made as needed. ict manager also assists in coordinating ict related activities across the organization.

The duty is to ensure that the ict system is functioning properly and meets the needs of the organization. This means ensuring that all ict systems are properly configured, that data is securely stored, and that user interfaces are user-friendly. ict manager also oversees the installation and maintenance of ict systems.

The duty is to ensure the smooth running of the institution by ensuring that all activities are carried out in line with organisation's policies and goals. The ict manager is also responsible for providing support to staff in their use of ICT resources.

The duty is to ensure that the ict infrastructure is operational and meets the needs of the organization. This includes managing the ict resources, such as hardware, software, and communications, as well as ensuring that the ict policies and procedures are followed. Additionally, ict manager may be responsible for research and development in ict technologies.

Requirements and Qualifications

Require lot of skills like communication, organization, problem solving and management. ict manager need to be able to work with different people, to understand different cultures and to stay up to date with latest technology. ict manager also need to be able to work independently and take decisions without supervision. ict manager need to be able to work under pressure and have good organizational skills.

Require someone who have good communication skills, good problem solving skills and also have experience with computers. ict managers need to be able to understand and communicate with people from different backgrounds, to be able to manage their time effectively, to be able to deal with difficult situations, and to be able to think critically. ict managers also need to be able to work with others in teams, to be able to understand and use technology, and to be able to keep up with changes in the industry.

Require knowledge in ict, computers, internet, and software. ict manager is responsible for managing the use of technology within an organization. This individual must be able to identify and solve problems with technology in a fast, innovative, and effective manner. ict managers must have a good understanding of business operations and be able to effectively communicate with internal and external customers.

Require someone to have strong technical ability. ICT Manager must be able to manage a team of people who are working on ICT projects. ICT Manager must be able to work with a variety of technologies and be able to keep up with the latest changes in the field.

Require someone with good communication skills, as ict manager needs to be able to easily keep in touch with their team, as well as be able to liaise with other departments. ict managers need to be able to work with a wide range of people and have good organisational skills.

Career Tips

Have a broad knowledge of the ict industry, as well as strong analytical and problem-solving skills. You must be able to prioritize and manage multiple tasks simultaneously, and be comfortable working in a fast-paced environment. Additionally, you should be able to build strong relationships with colleagues and clients, and have a strong team orientation.

First have a good understanding of the ict landscape and its various components. You need to be able to identify the needs of your organization and its employees, and then create and manage an effective ict strategy. Additionally, you must be able to keep up with the latest ict trends and technologies, and be able to adapt your approach as needed. Finally, you must be able to work effectively with other members of the organization, both inside and outside the ict department, to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the ict strategy is carried out successfully.

Have a clear understanding of how the ict system works, as well as the ability to identify and diagnose problems. Additionally, you must be able to create and maintain effective communication and collaboration strategies. In order to be a successful ict manager, you also need to have strong analytical and problem solving skills.

The information above are provided for example and educational purpose. To validate the information, you must confirm the data with the qualified professional or related institution.