Wintel Admin Job Description

By LeadLake Team   /   Job Category   /   2025

Job Descriptions

Responsible for managing the Windows on a network. This includes servicing and protecting Windows servers, clients, and desktops; maintaining Windows files and folders; and providing support to users.

Responsible for administering, maintaining, and troubleshooting Windows desktop and server operating systems. They also may be responsible for creating and supporting user profiles and settings, creating and managing security settings, and monitoring system performance.

Responsible for maintaining Windows installations and ensuring all devices are operating at peak performance. This may include troubleshooting and resolving issues with Windows installations, configuring settings, and monitoring devices and performance.

Responsible for the overall administration of a Windows-based network. This job may include setting up and managing network configurations, troubleshooting network issues, and responding to network support requests.

A computer support specialist who ensures the proper function of the systems and networks that comprise a business or office. The specialist may provide technical assistance, troubleshooting, and repair services.

Skills, Knowledges and Proficiencies

  • Good problem solving skill.
  • Basic knowledge of operating systems.
  • Basic knowledge of networking.
  • Basic knowledge of hardware.
  • Good understanding of Active Directory.
  • Good understanding of Group Policy.
  • Good understanding of Microsoft Exchange.
  • Good understanding of Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Good understanding of IIS.

Duties and Responsibilities

The duty is to keep the windows running smoothly and efficiently. They do this by monitoring and managing the system, fixing any errors, and keeping all the software up to date.

The duty is generally considered to include tasks such as managing servers and devices, creating user accounts, administering security, and configuring networks.Windows admin skills are in high demand, as businesses increasingly rely on the technology. Because of this, many schools and universities now offer online courses that teach Windows admin skills.

The duty is to keep system up and running, and to help users with their work. Users can contact wintel admin through the system if they need help. The wintel admin is responsible for fixing problems on the system and for providing support to users.

The duty is to manage desktops and laptops in office. They also provide support to employees with using their devices. Windows 10 offers a new way of managing devices with the Microsoft Intune service.

The duty is to manage and optimize the windows 10 operating system. It also helps to keep the system secure by ensuring that the latest updates are applied.

Requirements and Qualifications

Require knowledge of pc hardware and windows operating systems. Also the person need to be competent in the use of office applications such as word, excel and powerpoint.

Require computer skills, this includes installing, configuring and managing Windows-based networks. Wintel admin typically requires a degree in information technology, but some entry-level positions may require only basic computer skills. Entry-level wages for Wintel admin range from $37,000 to $60,000, with most earning in the $50,000 to $60,000 range.

Require skills in computer and internet usage, in addition it helps to keep computer systems organized and running smoothly. For people who are looking for a job in the computing industry, wintel admin may be a good fit.

Require familiarity with computers and networking. As a wintel admin, you will need to know how to use the operating systems, programs, and utilities that are available on a computer. You will also need to be knowledgeable about how to configure and maintain the computer systems.

Require lot of skill, knowledge and experience. It is a position that typically requires a college degree in computer science or a related field. Those who want to become wintel admin typically need to have excellent problem-solving skills, be highly organized and have excellent writing and communication skills. They must also be able to work independently and take on a leadership role.

Career Tips

Have a good understanding of the basics of Windows Server 2008. This guide will teach you the essential steps to setting up a basic network in Server 2008.

Have good organizational skills. You must be able to identify problem areas and resolve them. You must also be able to troubleshoot and solve tech problems. Finally, you need to be able to communicate with other IT staff to get work done.

First have a good understanding of the Windows operating system. Once you have a strong understanding of how Windows works, you can begin to learn how to use the Windows tools to manage your files and settings. Additionally, you need to be familiar with the Windows command line in order to perform basic tasks. Finally, you must be familiar with the Windows security features in order to keep your computer safe.

Have a good understanding of the Windows operating system, networking, and file management. You should also be familiar with Microsoft Office, as it is the most common software used in a Windows environment.

Be able to read and understand computer manuals, emails, and other communications. You need to be able to configure and manage computers, printers, and networking equipment. You also need to be able to keep track of changes to computer software and hardware, and troubleshoot problems.

The information above are provided for example and educational purpose. To validate the information, you must confirm the data with the qualified professional or related institution.