Aldi Store Manager Salary

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Determining Salary Factor

The salary of a store manager at Aldi Foods, Inc. in the United States is influenced by factors such as education, skills, and experience.

As of October 27, 2022, the average annual salary for a store manager at Aldi Foods, Inc. was $58,671 or $28 per hour. This figure does not include bonuses and incentives. The median total pay, which does include bonuses and incentives, was $41 per hour.

Additionally, the average base salary for a retail store manager, specifically in the grocery industry, was $61,391 per year.

Salary Growth

The pay range for an Aldi Store Manager can vary significantly, with differences of up to $15,800. This suggests that there are numerous possibilities for career growth and higher compensation, depending on factors such as skill level, location, and years of experience.

Salary Progression

Store Managers are offered a starting salary of £48,190, which gradually increases to £62,850 after a period of four years. This salary is based on a standard work week of 45 hours. Additionally, Store Managers working within the M25 area can receive an allowance of up to £3,865, depending on their specific location.

Entry-level vs Experienced

A Store Manager at Aldi can earn a starting salary of £48,490, which increases to £63,245 after four years, based on working 48 hours per week.

In addition, a Store Manager at Aldi can expect to receive bonuses and additional compensation, resulting in an average total pay of approximately £60,000 per year.

For those working within the M25 area, an allowance of up to £4,120 is provided, based on location.

As for a Deputy Store Manager at Aldi, the hourly pay ranges from £12.60 to £13.50, with an additional £4.00 per hour while running the store.

In London, the average yearly pay for an Aldi Store Manager is approximately £56,787, which is 122% higher than the national average salary.

Is working at Aldi a good job?

Aldi is known for providing competitive wages and generous benefits to its employees. However, working for Aldi can be demanding due to the small staff in stores, resulting in team members having to constantly move between tasks such as operating cash registers and restocking shelves throughout the day.

Despite the challenges, Aldi compensates its grocery store workers with a respectable hourly pay rate.

What does a district manager do at Aldi?

District managers in Aldi stores are tasked with various responsibilities such as ensuring the effective performance of stores, reviewing pricing and merchandising, implementing the company's strategy, and providing support to store managers.

Due to the level of responsibility and the scope of their work, district managers typically receive a higher salary compared to other positions within Aldi stores.

Does Aldi pay a cashier?

The pay at Aldi may vary depending on the location. As a Germany-based company, the compensation may differ based on the region. The cashier, who is often the most frequently seen employee in a grocery store, plays a crucial role in facilitating the purchase of goods. An article titled "Here's How Much Money Aldi Employees Really Make" provides insights into the compensation at Aldi.

What does a deputy store manager do at Aldi?

Being a Deputy Store Manager at Aldi is a role that offers a wide range of responsibilities. On any given day, you may find yourself assisting customers or handling deliveries, and on other days, you may even be in charge of overseeing the entire store. This varied nature of the job makes our Deputy Store Managers a valuable resource when it comes to learning about what it's like to work at Aldi.

How much does a lead cashier make at Aldi?

According to, the lead cashier role at Aldi entails additional responsibilities, such as supervising the sales floor and ensuring excellent customer service. As a result, lead cashiers receive a slightly higher pay rate compared to regular cashiers. If you take on these extra duties, you can anticipate earning a higher salary.