Affiliate Marketing Manager Salary

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Determining Salary Factor

The average annual salary for an Affiliate Marketing Manager in the United States is $70,687.

The average salary for a affiliate marketing manager in the United States is $69,531 per year.

The median salary for Affiliate Marketing Managers is $80,530, with the middle 57% earning between $80,535 and $201,013.

The base salary for Affiliate Marketing Managers ranges from $56,957 to $80,397, with an average base salary of $67,486.

The salaries for Affiliate Marketing Managers can vary based on their level of education, years of experience, and the size and industry of the company.

How much do affiliate marketing jobs pay in Virginia?

An Affiliate Marketing professional in your area earns an average salary of $73,123 per year, slightly above the national average annual salary of $72,969 (0.001% higher). Virginia is ranked 30th out of the 50 states in terms of Affiliate Marketing salaries within the United States. This data is sourced from ZipRecruiter's Salary report for September 2023.

How much does an affiliate sales manager make?

Based on our recent salary estimation as of March 28, 2023, the average salary for an Affiliate Manager is $63,953, while the average salary for an Affiliate Sales Manager is $76,094. It is worth noting that the average salary for an Affiliate Sales Manager is higher than that of an Affiliate Manager according to data from

Salary Growth

According to data, the average annual salary for an affiliate marketing manager is $65,834.

The projected job growth rate for affiliate marketing managers from 2019 to 2029 is positive, with an estimated 7% increase.

Additionally, the median annual salary for this occupation is $72,500.

In terms of employment outlook, the field of affiliate marketing management is expected to experience significant growth over the next decade, surpassing the average growth rate.

How can I increase my pay as an affiliate manager?

There are various ways to increase your pay as an Affiliate Manager. One option is to explore opportunities with a different employer who is willing to offer a higher salary based on your skills and experience. Another approach is to pursue further education, such as advanced degrees, which can open up avenues for promotions and higher income potential in this role.

How much does A affiliate marketing make?

The average salary for an Affiliate Marketing professional in Canada is approximately $59,624. To get a more specific estimate based on your location, you can filter the results. This data is compiled from 202 salary submissions provided anonymously by individuals working in the field of Affiliate Marketing through Glassdoor.

Is affiliate marketing gaining an edge?

As internet users become less tolerant of intrusive pop-ups and gimmicky advertisements, and with the rise in popularity of ad-blocker apps and email filters, affiliate marketing may become even more advantageous.

According to statistics, search ads, display ads, email, and tech partners contribute to only 1% of affiliate marketing sales each.

These findings highlight the importance for marketers to be aware of the potential benefits and effectiveness of affiliate marketing.

Salary Progression

The highest earners for the month are as follows:

The Vice President of Affiliate Marketing earns a monthly salary of $9,176.

The Affiliate Marketing Director earns a monthly salary of $6,225.

The Online Affiliate Marketing Manager earns a monthly salary of $5,762.

How much do affiliate marketing managers make a year?

Experienced affiliate marketing managers typically earn an annual salary of $62K after 5 to 9 years of experience, and $71K after more than 10 years of experience. It is important to note that in certain instances, affiliate marketers may receive a combination of a basic salary and commission. Consequently, the level of success achieved in driving results for the company directly impacts the individual's earning potential.

For those seeking entry-level digital marketing jobs in 2023, there are several options available that are worth considering.

Are marketing certifications in demand?

Marketing certifications are highly sought after in various industries due to their impact. Employers view certifications as evidence of an individual's competence and expertise in the field. Even seasoned digital marketing professionals value certifications as a means to showcase their dedication in staying up-to-date with industry trends.

To enhance your earnings in the field of marketing, it is advisable to consider various marketing certifications. CMS provides a comprehensive list of 10 certifications that can significantly improve your earning potential.

Does a professional certification increase a marketer's salary?

Regardless of the chosen course, aspiring marketers have the opportunity to significantly increase their salaries. Obtaining professional certifications can greatly enhance one's hiring prospects and earnings, while also building competence and confidence in a competitive industry.

An article on CMSWire highlights 10 marketing certifications that have the potential to boost earnings.

The certifications mentioned in the article can contribute to career growth and financial success for marketers.

How to earn more

Affiliate marketing managers have opportunities for salary growth within their field. The average pay for affiliate marketers can vary significantly, indicating potential for advancement and increased pay based on their skills, location, and years of experience.

Furthermore, the employment outlook for affiliate marketing managers is projected to grow at a faster rate than the average occupation in the coming years.

However, it is crucial for individuals to select the appropriate niche and affiliate programs to join. Additionally, investing time and resources into building a loyal audience is essential for success in this field.

What is affiliate marketing and how does it work?

Affiliate marketing involves promoting another person's product and earning a commission from it. Creating an affiliate program is an effective means for companies to boost their sales. Personally, I find affiliate marketing to be a highly rewarding method of generating income online, and the best part is that you can start without any upfront investment.